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What Qualifies You For Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) Benefits?

On Behalf of | Feb 9, 2023 | Workers Compensation

Experiencing a disability can be difficult for you and those who look to you for support. While you may have had many years of providing, an injury or illness can make it impossible to work and perform the types of tasks you are used to.

Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits can help you support yourself and those who depend on you now that you can no longer work.

Here’s what you should know about the qualifications for SSDI.

Understanding Your Condition

A significant portion of your claim for SSDI benefits will understand your condition and how it impacts your life. While there is a list of conditions that tend to meet the requirements for SSDI, there are methods for determining if other conditions are qualifying disabilities.

When it is time to look at your claim for benefits, people in the Social Security office will consider your condition’s severity so they can move toward the next part of your claim.

Determining If You Can Work

Another critical part of processing your SSDI benefits claim is looking at the impact your condition has on your ability to work. Although you may still qualify for SSDI benefits while working, there are restrictions on how much you can make while receiving SSDI benefits.

If you are completely unable to work, there is still a process for approval by looking at questions such as:

  • How limiting is your condition?
  • Can you do the same type of work you did before?
  • Are there other types of work you could do?

Looking at all potential situations supporting your claim for SSDI benefits is important. There are also options for appealing your claim if you face denial. It is essential to talk to an experienced professional about your claim and any appeal you need to make.